April Graphics Feature: Long Center Eclipse Party

In celebration of the total solar eclipse on April 8th, the Long Center and the Simons Foundation hosted a free total eclipse viewing party on the Long Center lawn and H-E-B Terrace.

The event featured entertainment centered around the total eclipse and provided opportunities for guests to engage with astronomers and celebrate with the community. There was music, food and drinks, and even a visual storytelling time. The first 1000 guests to arrive received eclipse tote bags and all guests received complimentary viewing glasses.

photo courtesy of Jordan Mathias (@_jordian.mathias)

We printed and installed large-scale window graphics featuring a total eclipse design on the windows of the Long Center. We also printed and cut foamboard icons that were attached to a giant frame for participants to have a photo-op as well as other signage like bar menus and safety signs.

Thank you to the Long Center for allowing us to part of this amazing event!

Click here to see a video of the eclipse window graphics.

If you would like to get started on a project with our graphics team, reach out to  CSSR7@MillerIDS.com or CSSR2@MillerIDS.com.