Featured Artists

Austin has always been a colorful city that attracts artists from around the world. Every Month Miller IDS showcases Austin’s creative energy by highlighting a resident artist and their work. We love being a trusted resource for painters, illustrators, designers, and visual artists and, in turn, show our gratitude to the talented folks that keep returning for the highest-quality prints in the city.

Featured Artist: Chris Celusniak

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June 2015: For June, we turn our monthly Featured Artist focus on Chris Celusniak, a true storyteller through his intricate artwork.

Chris’ art shows a hidden depth of stories within stories that come together to create the whole picture. The eclectic works derive their form from patterns, improbable vintage, and a world of endless color. Viewers look into the canvas and find the intimate spaces within the larger whole, to read the narrative of its inhabitants, each with a story to tell. Chris works to create a window on a feeling that both he and the viewer may share.

Recognized with multiple awards, Chris has exhibited across the country. The native Texan was born in Houston, is a member of the San Antonio River Art Group and now lives in Austin with his family. We will have a print of Chris’ Austin-Texas hanging in both our downtown and north stores and hope you’ll come by to check it out and/or visit his website (www.chriscelusniak.com) to see more.